BE’yond the basics is about helping our dogs feel safe and ensure their time with us is more enjoyable.

Adventures with our dogs sometimes require a little more than what we taught our little puppies and require us to build on those all-important FUN’damental skills.

For me get outside with my dog is my ultimate goal, it’s been limited whilst Diggory has been learning about his world, you can read more about Real Life Skills ready for adventures HERE.

One thing that I love about being out on adventures, is the feeling of freedom, paths that take you to a spectular view or paths that skirt a beautiful coastline or winding paths through woodlands and the smell of pine that just makes you take a deep breathe.

If like us, you also love all the trails available as part of the National Trust  properties. Here is where you may find yourself strolling through fields full of the roaming sheep or deer which are spectacular to see…. however the reality can feel far from a feeling of calm and tranquility!

Adventures with My Dog - Beyond the basics

If you have a dog that “see’s” the world differently, freedom of open space can be overwhelming causing our dogs to feel a little fizzy! Views normally mean a great vantage point for birds to predate! and coastline can mean anything to seagulls swooping past to rabbits darting infront of you and as for that woodland walk! well there’s sooooo many critters that can interest our pups, but shhhhh say it quietly Squirrels are many dogs nemisis! You can read more about why your dog does that HERE . Then at the National Trust sites we will most defiently come across sheep and deer which is a game on for exciting a dog, you can learn more dealing with sheep.

BE’yond the Basics is about:

Building on *FUN’damental Skills 

Enjoyable &  Safer adventures

Your relationship based responses

Only using positive methods

Natural behavoiurs being enhanced

Decoding the dog infront of you

If you too are ready to just go “BE’yond” let’s chat, we can see if you’re ready to dive in, book a Connection Call HERE

*FUN’damental Skills is part of the My Happy Dog & Me offering, if you’d like to hear more on the basic plan you can read more HERE.