Setting up for Success


When we are looking to build a relationship first, everything else becomes easier.

Some relationships can test you, for sure, but be mindful in all aspects of life, we get to reset, reassess and move forward with tiny steps, it’s not always about the destination… enjoy the journey.

Communicate well and have clear and concise language that you both get.

Setting up for success will stem from you understanding what YOUR dog needs from you, not always textbook, so seeking professional support can be a gamechanger.

As an engineer in my former years ?, geek I know, but I’m all about solution-seeking, sometimes which means reaching for the wine and assessing what went wrong and why then moving forward with a plan that will have many stages that can bring success and guess what… JOY.

Setting up for success means having a plan with achievable stages for YOUR dog. Be their champion, build a relationship built on trust and kindness, there’s so much to be said for slow and solid foundations….

When we strive to succeed, we thrive on the momentum of progress ~ Charlotte Steele, creator of Canine Contentment…

Need help with a plan for success? Reach out and let’s chat. Book a Call HERE