BETTER’ Puppy Training

My Happy Dog has a huge passion on helping you to nurture and guide your puppy, with that in mind I want to share with you some critical pointers on how your role as Puppy Parent can be instrumental to your puppy’s successful development.

I’m going to a base my advice on the ideal scenario of you picking your Puppy up at *8 weeks old, here your Puppy Training plays an important role. A BETTER way to start Puppy Training

  • Body Language – understanding some basic body language should be taken on board before you pick up your puppy so you can try to communicate effectively with your puppy.
  • Equipment – you need to understand all you will need to help puppy settle in and learn what is expected of him, so using the right equipment for Playing, Alone Time, confinement areas are all key to how a puppy will develop.
  • Taking Control – you can ensure your puppy is guided effectively by having clear boundaries on what is expected from your puppy.
  • Training – as soon as you pick your puppy up and depending on how old your puppy is when you pick them up will decipher how much time you need to dedicate to training your puppy.
  • Energy – your energy and vibe is key to how puppy understands how they’re doing, your puppy will be reading you like a book, so any looks of panic or uncertainty they will pick up, be mindful and show that you are confident.
  • Responsibility – as a Puppy Parent you have a responsibility to understand how much you can help and support your puppy through a really time-sensitive period, find out as much as you can on what is required of you.

It’s worth noting that as we know more about your Puppy’s development in the last 5-10 years, I’ve attended many conferences recently that echo’s the FUNdamentals that I put in place for all my Puppy Coaching to guide and support many puppy parents successfully. 

Check out how you can work on those FUNdamentals with My Happy Dog for Private Coaching or Group Coaching.